Office Hours
Spring 2023
Wednesday, 2:00-4:00 PMContact Information
Associate Director
Director of Forensics
Assistant Instructional Professor
Dr. Martinelli is an Assistant Instructional Professor of Communication Studies in the Dial Center for Written and Oral Communication. I also serve as the Associate Director of the Dial Center and the Assistant Director of Forensics. I teach undergraduate courses on subjects related to Public Speaking and Civic Engagement and Discourse. Her teaching style and course development are strongly influenced by her background in social foundations of education and competitive speech and debate. Her scholarship spans her interests in speech and debate and communication education. In 2015, her work “Fears on Film: Representations of Juvenile Delinquency in Educational Media in Mid-Century America,” was published in the co-edited book American Education in Popular Media: From the Blackboard to the Silver Screen, by Palgrave Macmillan. She has contributed research, teaching, and mentorship presentations to the National Communication Association, Western States Communication Association, and the Southern States Communication Association.