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Gil Carter, Ph.D.

Contact Information

Email: tg.carter
Office: Rolfs 413

Dr. Gil Carter (PhD, The University of Alabama) is an assistant instructional professor and the director of debate in UF's Dial Center for Written and Oral Communication. In addition to leading both the traveling, competitive debate team and the public, on-campus debate squad, Dr. Carter is teaching Argumentation and Introduction to Public Speaking for the fall 2023 semester. Prior to arriving at the University of Florida, Dr. Carter taught five different courses in communication studies during three years at The University of Alabama while completing his graduate education. UA recognized Dr. Carter with the university-wide award Outstanding Teaching by a Doctoral Student in spring 2023.

In addition to having taught communication law and ethics at the University of North Alabama, two chapters of Dr. Carter's dissertation were recognized as top student papers by the National Communication Association. Dr. Carter is also published in the scholarly journal Electronic News.